This invention focuses and explains the process of a new code called Random Diagonal (RD) code constructions and development for Spectral Amplitude Coding (SAC)-OCDMA . the mathematical analysis have been done to the RD code and the existing SAC-OCDMA codes such as optical orthogonal (OOC), Hadamard, Modified Frequency Hopping(MHF), Modified Quadratic Congruence (MQC) and Prime codes. All the mathematical relations between the code length and weight are developed and discussed comparatively, referring also to the development of the existing SAC-OCDMA codes and their properties. Finally, the performance analysis of the RD code is compared with other OCDMA code in terms of code length and spectral efficiency. In this project, the intimate relationships between spectral amplitude coding designs and their hardware implementations are examined for the future fusion of the two field of research. The experimental demonstration of an OCDMA based on the RD code is considered the promising solution for point to point system, which offers ultra high speed (622 Mbps) and long haul (70 km) for next generation fiber-to-the home (FTTH) access networks.