PRODUCT NAME Digital Portable Device For Detecting The percentage Of Alcohol
ABSTRACT The main aim was to explore new horizons for science and technology by designing, constructing and manufacturing novel digital electronic portable device in the size and weight of the small mobile cell phone. This portable device use to detect alcohol in any liquid. According to islamic rules, the liquid should contain zero alcohol. Also one can use the device to detect if the food cooked with alcohol because the device can sense its vapor. All alcoholic drinks contains ethanol, the chemical formula of which is, CH3CH2OH. Beer is typically 3%-6% ethanol, wine is 12%-15% ethanol, and liquors are usually 30%-70% ethanol. Of course the device can sense all kind of alcohol. Technically, alcohol means any carbon chain with hydrogen attached that ends with an żOH group. So methanol is also an alcohol. Its chemical formula is CH3OH but it is not be use in alcoholic drinks because it is toxic. People have died as a result of drinking large amounts of methanol. Drinking smaller, non lethal amounts of methanol adversly affects the human nervous system. Effects range from headache to incoordination similar to that associated with drunkness. Delayed such as severe abdominal, leg, and ack pain can follow the inebriation effects of methanol. Loss of vision and even blindness can also occur after exposure to amounts causing inebriation.
REG. NUMBER PI 2013701287
INTELLECTUAL STATUS Patent Pending / Filing - Substantive Examination
FILE DATE 23/7/2013
IP TYPE Patent