PRODUCT NAME Enzymatic Nano-Biochip Aluminium Interdigitated Electrode with Sol Gel Spin Coated Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for Salivary Glucose Clinical Diagnostics
ABSTRACT Label-free detection- In ELISA (current technology), microwells are pre-immobilized with primary antibody, the sample liquid is added and rinsed, and secondary antibody, detector antibody-enzyme complex, and substrate are subsequently added and rinsed. The existence of target pathogen makes the enzyme-substrate complex not to be rinsed away, resulting in coloration. This is too complex to be used in field. Instead of using this technology, we introduce titanium dioxide-nanobiochip which needs no label to identify the result.ii. Rapid detection- titanium dioxide nanobiochip takes less than two hours or even real time to come out with value of current (result). Most of the ELISA and PCR products need more than two days in order to give the result.iii. Ultra-high sensitive and specific detection device- Nanotechnology one of this attempts which defined as the manipulation of matter. Nanotechnology, as a new enabling technology, has the potential to revolution in biomedical field, new tools for molecular and cellular biology and a new material for glucose enzymatic detection. The high surface area to volume ratio of TiO2 nanoparticles enhances the sensitivity towards low concentration detection of target glucose (as small as micromolar). By using saliva as a sample, this device can be specifically identified glucose target instead of others. Without nanotechnology, likes current method, it can be based on color observation that cannot go to low concentration.iv. Quantitative measurement- the output is current value which can be read. At the same time, we can identify the target glucose concentration through the current ranges. Compared to the current technologies, the existence of the target molecules can be translated into optical signals and monitored by the naked eye resulting in a color change. Moreover, the output colour can be confusing if it not goes as usual intensity.v. Non-invasive and extraction free ¿ Non-invasive refers to a procedure that neglect the insertion of an instrument via skin or other body opening to obtain the samples. Collection of saliva clinical sample need not undergo pricking or an external lancet device to prick on the users like blood samples. This causing the patient or user feel scare before taking samples and pain after taking samples The collected saliva can directly drop on the surface of TiO2 nanoparticles thin film based spiral IDEs kit and measure for the value of current without extraction the glucose molecules. For other non-invasive sample such as urine requires the extraction kit to specifically extract the glucose biomolecules, or the serum samples required to be centrifuged prior using.
FILE DATE 9/2/2015
IP TYPE Patent